Integrating green growth into social targets

The Prime Minister has recently approved the project “Social targets in sustainable green growth in Vietnam” sponsored by non-refundable ODA fund of Germany

The project’s investment cost is 3.8 million USD, of which 3.6 million USD is ODA fund, the counterpart fund is 0.2 million USD covered by the Ministry of Labour, Invalids Social Affairs (MOLISA - project owner).

The project has 3 main components with specific targets. The component 1: “Methodology and skills for social impact assessment (SIA)” in order to improve social impact assessment skills of MOLISA and other stakeholders.

The component 2: “Procedure and role for implementing social impact assessment”, in order to highlight the role of MOLISA and other stakeholders in implementation of social impact assessment.

The component 3: “Awareness on social factors in sustainable green growth”, in order to raise awareness and improve knowledge of MOLISA and other stakeholders on social factors in implementation of green and sustainable targets.
